1:1 intensive semi-permanent make-up training academy Seoul, Korea 21C SEMI PERMANENT MAKE UP TRAINING ACADEMY KOREA 21C GRACE LEE BEAUTY LINE 21C PERMANENT ACADEMY
USA system academy in Korea 
21c grace lee beauty line Korea 
21C Beauty academy in Korea ● ● ● ● ● Feathering eyebrows semi-permanent make-up

Student work: Feather eyebrows

Student work: Feathering technique eyebrows 
Student work: feathering eyebrows Feathering eyeliner semi-permanent make-up

Semi permanent makeup training Korea

eyeliner simulation 
Student work: eyeliner semi-permanent make-up Feathering lips semi-permanent make-up

practice lip line design 
Student work: Lips semi-permanent make-up ● ● ● ● ● Color theory and mixing technique

USA system coloring class 
semi permanent makeup pigment color mixing technique training - mixing technique for minimizing the discoloration skin under tone analysis color consulting to change image -

Professional color training ● ● ● ● ● You can learn consultation with clients, conversational skills and public relations & marketing in beauty field.

Semi-permanent makeup Seoul, Korea Also we have Participation in beauty show contest, Preparation of exam&certification, Shop master class, Overseas training program and Certification authority training course.
 training course of 21C grace lee beauty line
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